Lowe's Companies, Inc

BentoVibe - Home Page
BentoVibe - Home Page
BentoVibe - Home Page


UX Designer


Lowe's Companies, Inc.


1 year 9 months

Project Overview

Designing a savings page to effectively display various sales and enhance customer sales through an improved user experience involves a systematic design process. Let's break down each stage of the process, including the challenges faced, the approach taken, ideation, research methods, and the tools utilized

Challenge Identification

  • Challenge: Balancing the presentation of numerous sales while maintaining simplicity and usability.

  • Approach: Recognize the importance of organizing information effectively to prevent overwhelming users and facilitate decision-making.


  • User Research: Conduct interviews, surveys, and usability tests to understand user preferences, behaviors, and pain points related to accessing and utilizing sales promotions.

  • Competitive Analysis: Evaluate how other platforms or websites present sales and discounts to identify industry best practices and areas for differentiation.

  • Data Analysis: Analyze existing user data, such as browsing behavior and sales conversion rates, to inform design decisions.


  • Brainstorming: Collaborate with stakeholders to generate ideas for structuring and presenting sales promotions on the page.

  • Sketching and Wireframing: Create rough sketches and wireframes to explore different layout options and information hierarchies.


  • Visual Design: Develop a visually appealing and cohesive design that aligns with the brand identity while prioritizing clarity and readability.

  • Interaction Design: Design intuitive navigation and interactive elements to guide users through the page and encourage engagement with sales promotions.

  • Accessibility Considerations: Ensure that the design meets accessibility standards to accommodate users with disabilities.

Tools Used

  • Wireframing and Prototyping: Tools used were Sketch and Figma for creating wireframes and interactive prototypes to visualize design concepts.

  • User Research: Interviews and Google forms was used to conduct user research studies and gathering feedback.

  • Data Analysis: Analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Mixpanel for analyzing user behavior and performance metrics.

  • Collaboration: Project management tools like Slack and JIra for team collaboration and task management.

Testing and Iteration

  • Usability Testing: Conduct usability tests with representative users to evaluate the effectiveness of the design in helping users find and utilize sales promotions.

  • Feedback Integration: Incorporate user feedback and iterate on the design to address usability issues and improve the overall user experience.

  • A/B Testing: Test variations of the design to identify the most effective layout, content, and features for driving customer sales.

Launch & Optimization

  • Implementation: Work closely with developers to ensure the seamless implementation of the design on the savings page.

  • Continuous Improvement: Monitor user engagement and sales performance post-launch, and iterate on the design based on data-driven insights to optimize the user experience further.

By following a structured design process and leveraging appropriate research methods and tools, a UX designer can effectively tackle the challenges of designing a savings page that enhances customer sales through an improved user experience.